What Factors Influence Bond Returns?
Any investment takes risks, and higher risks typically correlate with higher returns. However, when investing [...]
Other Four Factors Affecting Bond Returns
Whether investing in a single bond or a portfolio of bonds, aside from default risk, [...]
Advantages and Risks of Investing in Bonds
Bonds, depending on their maturity period and risk level, offer varying returns. For instance, a [...]
How to Profit from Investing in Bonds?
There are two main ways to profit from investing in bonds: fixed income (interest income [...]
How to Understand Bond Yield?
There are four types of bond interest rates: Coupon Rate, Current Yield, Yield to Maturity [...]
Bond Investment Basics Series
1. What is a bond? 2. Who issues bonds? 3. Advantages and risks of investing in bonds 4. How to profit [...]
How to Buy Bonds? Where to Buy Bonds?
Since the vast scale of the U.S. bond market, its well-established financial market mechanisms, and [...]
Are Money Market Funds Safe?
Money market funds, known for their low risk, low transaction costs, and returns that are [...]
Three Key Considerations Before Starting Long-Term Investment
“Before starting long-term investing, what should I buy?” This is a question I have often [...]
How to choose a fund?
How to choose funds that will make money is a primary goal for many investors, [...]